Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Princess & The Pee

Not a single comforter in my house has been left out of Isabella's pee spree.  Some have been graced with pee multiple times in the past 3 days.  Pee, repee, and Mommy has to repeet the terrible task of washing and painstakingly drying king and queen size comforters which takes forever!  I really thought I could have used the Duggar style laundry room this weekend!  I can't imagine how much laundry they have to do while potty training a whole herd of kiddos at once.

We are absolutely past the point of return here.  Unfortunately, we are starting to discover some hints of laziness in our princess!  She'll pee on anything cushy it seems; apparently she is just too comfortable to be bothered to move her cute little baby booty as demonstrated by sitting on the rug in the bathroom floor and letting loose.

If my daughter can tell me she needs to go to the potty every single time we cross the threshold of the Wal-mart entrance, can poop on a potty at a restaurant, and can take a potty break at a movie theather, the girl knows how to pee on the potty at home!  It seems I have been princessing my girlie a little too much, and she, in such a mommy made over bout of defiance, figured out that Mommy is a softy. 

Please pray for peeless peace at our house.